Story & Intention

I started my yogic journey over 15 years ago and was drawn in by the physical and mental balance I gained and the transformation I experienced.

I completed my 200-hour Teacher Training at Sonic Yoga, under the guidance of Lauren Hanna, Jeffrey Scott-Duval, Keith Partington, Johanna Bell, and Tracy Mohr. Teacher Training grew my physical practice exponentially, and brought me closer to myself. Like most New Yorkers, I was spinning my wheels on the daily grind, trapped in the cycle of rise-work-sleep, playing the role of the diligent employee with little return, and as a Black Woman, being on the receiving end of countless microaggressions. I thought that carving out time for my practice would be enough to soothe me, and count as work-life balance, but what I received was quite the opposite. As my self-study continued through my yoga practice, I yearned for the life that was solely based on my terms. I started to wonder how I could put my skills and the benefits I’ve gained from yoga into service and action for others and for myself. As I was coming to these revelations, my life changed suddenly when I was laid off. At that pivotal moment, I decided to take the leap of faith to become a yoga teacher. The start of my teaching career also meant more curiosity, and the desire to master my craft as a teacher led me to complete my additional 300-hour Teacher Training at Sonic Yoga, under the mentorship of Chris Temple. I transitioned to teaching full-time, and becoming E-RYT certified to lead and co-lead Teacher Trainings.


As my passion and love for yoga led me to teaching and sharing at studios throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn, the more my eyes were opened to wellness redlining: the pricing structures, whitewashing and dominant studio culture that keeps yoga, and wellness inaccessible and exclusive across race, identity, economic status, and ability.

I understood that yoga should be available to all but knew that this tenet was far from being upheld in the wellness community. As an extension of my practice, I decided to focus my efforts and expertise on leading teacher training and creating dedicated spaces, two areas where I believe change can be created. I currently co-lead teacher trainings at Arise Yoga (formerly Jewel City Yoga) and I am also a Teacher-Owner and Steward at The Connective, a teacher-owned and -operated cooperative working to provide sustainability for movement professionals, while challenging the quality and upholding standards of anti-racism, diversity and accessibility in the wellness industry. Among my offerings is a very special dedicated space, Yuja Soul: Yoga for Black Women, a safe space for all Black Women to explore the benefits of yoga, meditation and self-study. I am also an Officer at The Practice Coalition, a non-profit organization that centers survivors of sexual and domestic violence via Yoga for Trauma offerings throughout New York and New Jersey.

200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher | Sonic Yoga RYT
300-hour Registered Yoga Teacher | Sonic Yoga E-RYT
85-hour Prenatal Yoga Certification | Yoga Vida PYT
Somatic Attachment Therapy | The Embody Lab
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

My classes are known for their mental and physical rigor, and are centered on philosophy, alignment, and inner balance. Yoga, for me, is continued, exacting work that allows the body and mind to surrender to the ebb and flow of the breath, exploring inner and outer balance while being soft, expansive, and powerful at the same time. My teachings are centered on my own exploration of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, which has transformed my life. I believe that there are no destinations that exist outside the Self, and that every experience is a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. These beliefs have led to the intuitive and intentional formation and offering of the Yuja Yoga community, where students can explore the bridges, roads, and mirrors that connect them back to themselves.

Welcome to Yuja Yoga and Yuja Soul, where you discover the teacher within, and where all roads serve as a connection back to Self. I am honored to share practice, space, and exploration with you.


Tonie Warner
Founder, Yuja Yoga
Teacher, Owner, and Steward, The Connective
Officer, The Practice Coalition


Community Agreements for Students

By participating in any offerings, I agree to a practice of anti-racism, respecting the gender identities of my teachers and fellow students, honoring the roots of yoga, and supporting my teachers in making a living wage.
- Gail Granberry, Teacher Owner at The Connective