Prenatal Yoga

A practice curated specifically for pregnancy, centered on rhythm, ritual, relaxation and agency.

Tonie has been teaching prenatal yoga in group and private settings since she obtained her Prenatal Yoga certification from Clare Ryan through Yoga Vida in 2020.

All classes include yoga philosophy, somatic experiencing to tap students into their agency and intuition, and are curated through the Three R’s of childbirth preparation: rhythm, ritual and relaxation. You can expect a structured session that starts with circle time sharing before moving into postures. This practice also includes pelvic floor awareness and work, labor prepping exercise, and rest.

Classes and private sessions are also open to anyone preparing to welcome pregnancy, healing from miscarriage and pregnancy termination, those considering pregnancy, and anyone in their postnatal fourth trimester who still needs support and closeness to the prenatal community.

Classes and one-on-one sessions are curated for pregnant people, and are not meant for partner work.

Tonie regularly teaches prenatal yoga in-person at Arise Yoga in Crown Heights, Brooklyn on Thursdays at 8:45 - 9:45am. Head to Arise’s website to attend.

You can complete the form below for more information on private sessions or other prenatal-related inquiries.

Complete the form below for Prenatal One on One Sessions or any other Prenatal related inquiries